
This is a general purpose concentrated glycol based treatment for automotive cooling systems. Freezing point is -35 degrees C approx. Replace at 24 month / 60,000 km intervals. May be replaced more frequently depending on engine and driving conditions. This product contains a pH-buffered blend of additives known to reduce the corrosion of steel, cast iron, aluminium alloy, brass, copper and solder.

It exceeds the performance requirements of the following standards when assessed in hard water and is made to General Motors Specification HN 2043

* ASTM D1384 ” Corrosion Test for Engine Coolants in Glassware.”

* ASTM D4340 “Corrosion of Cast Aluminium Alloys in Engine Coolants Under Heat Rejecting Conditions.”

* ASTM D2570 “Simulated Service Corrosion Test for Engine Coolants.”

* ASTM D2809 “Cavitation Corrosion and Erosion Corrosion Characteristics of Aluminium Pumps With Engine Coolants.”

* Australian/New Zealand Standard 2108.1:1997 “Engine Coolants Type A and Type B for Engine Cooling Systems.”

This product will not reverse pre-existing corrosion problems, and should not be used in conflict with engine manufacturer’s recommendations.


First read the label on the container and the vehicle manual. When engine and cooling system are cool, drain existing coolant (including the heater) as per the vehicle owners’ manual or by disconnecting lower radiator hose. After draining, flush system (including heater core) thoroughly with Cool Flush and reconnect hoses, drain plugs etc. Slowly add sufficient Cool Max 50 to fill the cooling system. Refer to the vehicle owners manual for the volume needed. To avoid possible incompatibility problems, do not mix with other coolant formulations.
Check level after the engine has reached operating temperature and allowed to cool again. Top up with Cool Max 50 if necessary. Any spillage on paintwork should be flushed off with water. Used coolant may be harmful to the environment (due to the extraction of heavy metals from the engine): contact regulatory authorities on appropriate methods of disposal


This product contains ethylene glycol and is poisonous if swallowed. Safety Data Sheet available. Avoid contact with the skin and eyes. Keep out of reach of children.